As the name suggests, well, this page is about me, my view on the world, my opinions, ideas, hobbies, everything I fancy sharing… and mind you, no effort shall be made to please, to stay politically correct, or to comfort others with opposing views… Here, as on my personal Facebook, everything shall be said without any sugar coating… I don’t do ‘popular’, i do truth; blunt truth… so keep that in mind as you browse the content here.
As for me, I’m a Software Engineer, Programmer, Photographer, 360° Tour Maker and Drone Hobbyist; Over the past two years I’ve put all of these passions together to produce THE Virtual Tour of Mauritius which was the first ever website I’ve made – from scratch… not a wordpress site like this one here… So if you’re bored with the content here just head over there and enjoy the exquisite views of my country: Mauritius.